Can't believe its already been a month and a half since I packed my stuff, jumped on a plane and left home. Everything happened so quickly, accepted my job position in November, booking tickets within the week and saying bye temporarily to everyone. I mean, it's only 4 months but dooon't's my first time leaving home (and I'm a baby). I still remember tearing up in the car ride to the airport, at the airport, on the plane and even days after settling down in Toronto.
I was excited at first, since it was my first time leaving home and living in a different city, alone. However, I was more homesick than I thought I would be and it didn't help that I was very unfamiliar with the city. I couldn't just hop on the bus (or streetcar) to get anywhere because I wouldn't know where I was going. The slight time difference was a little hard to work with. If I wanted food, it wouldn't just be delivered to my table (mom spoils me). The list goes on... Honestly, the first couple of weeks were very, very, tough. It doesn't help that I hate change either. Though I have to say, I am grateful that I have a couple of friends here that have made the transition ten times easier.
How I'm doing now? I feel great. I feel free from the routine that I fall into when I'm at home. I can schedule the day the way I want to. I can sleep at ungodly hours without getting yelled at (though I have underestimated my parents' ability to parent over texts/calls). I can do an unhealthy amount of online shopping without feeling too guilty...I brought 4 pairs of shoes to Toronto and now I have 7...and counting...yea, I have a problem :$ I have more time now to explore hobbies (like maybe writing for fun), reading, fashion, hanging out with friends and meeting new people, kick-starting things I always wanted to do but "never had the time" for, going on spontaneous adventures that I would have said no to if I was at home. My mindset for going out and trying new things is "you have nothing to lose" and "you never know until you try" (super cliché, but hey, whatever gets me off my butt). Thanks to them, I have met a lot of amazing people and hope to continue to, I'm having fun, and slowly feeling like I'm finally growing up (at the age of 21, a little late but whatever). So maybe...change isn't always bad?
[Pics with the fam]
Here's to keeping that adventurous flame alive!!
Take away: If you can, jet off to a different place alone, it may surprise you!